If you have any questions or queries, please text or call us via the number below
0422 955 202
We offer one-on-one tutoring sessions for students in Prep to Year 12. The students are matched with tutors based on personality, teaching style and subject experience.
This helps build rapport as well as allowing the tutor to tailor sessions to match the needs of each individual.
We use WhatsApp group messages between management, tutors, parents and students to maximise ease of communication.
Parents are provided with weekly reminders about sessions, students can ask questions outside of their session time, and parents have the flexibility to make changes to the schedule.
We have a range of enthusiastic, knowledgeable and uniquely skilled tutors.
They have expertise across a range of subjects with professional and tertiary education experience in areas such as engineering, teaching, psychology, business, science, media, commerce and arts.
All tutors hold a current Working With Children's Check.
Prep- Grade 6
Year 7-10
VCE (Year 11 & 12)